Undocumented workers take job that U.S. citizens refuse to do.
Undocumented workers take jobs away from U.S. citizens.
The Truth: A mixture of both. Its not always that U.S. citizens are too lazy to do the jobs that undocumented workers agree too; often times U.S. citizens refuse to do a job for the same pay that an undocumented immigrant would accept.
It is hard to have a truly accurate numbers when dealing with undocumented immigrants. It is estimated, however, that undocumented workers hold nearly 8 million U.S. jobs.
There is substantial evidence that some of these fires have been caused by people who crossed our border illegally." -John McCain on the forest fires in Arizona
This past summer Arizona experienced some horrendous wildfires. The Wallow Fire received a lot of attention when Senator John McCain of Arizona said evidence pointed to undocumented workers and smugglers, as the cause of the fire. Other officials made similar statements about the cause of the fire as well. There is absolutely no evidence that supports or contradicts this theory. This theory, however, is only one possible explanation. McCain’s statement lumps smugglers and undocumented workers into the same categories. This encourages us to believe that all undocumented workers are criminals or have ties to drug cartels. An idea that is simply not true.
The logic behind the statement can also be questioned. If someone were attempting to smuggle drugs, or people across the border why would they start a fire? Fire is hot and forest fires attract a great deal of attention. Those two facts would make crossing the Mexico/Arizona border more difficult.

U.S. Immigration Policy Problems: There are a set number of people from each country who are allowed to legally immigrate to the United States each year. India, China, and Mexico always meet their limit. These limitations, often times split up families. Due to back logging, family members may wait up to twenty years before legally being allowed to rejoin their families in the U.S. It is nearly impossible for an unskilled immigrant to legally gain entry into the United States.