Discrimination of Undocumented Immigrants:

In the mid 1800 Ireland experienced a severe famine lasting six years and taking the lives of over a million people. The famine also caused a large emigration from Ireland to other nations. Over the course of the famine nearly one million Irish arrived on the shores of the United States. By 1850, the Irish made up 43% of America's foreign born population. Once inside the United States the Irish tended to congregate in large cities forming their own communities . This slowed assimilation. Fear also contributed to the anti-Irish sediment. Because of the rapid increase in the Irish population many Americans feared that Catholicism would become the dominate religion.

The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed in 1882. Signed by president Chester A. Arthur, the act abolished immigration of Chinese laborers for 10 years. Any Chinese, none laborer who wished to immigrate was required to receive a certificate from the Chinese government. The certificates were hard to obtain, because it was often times difficult to prove ones qualifications. This act also made resident Chinese permanent aliens. The act was revised and amended several times until its repeal in 1943.
The Chinese culture was immensely different from that of the American culture. This fact meant that like the Irish, most Chinese immigrants clustered together forming their own societies. Many Chinese immigrants worked in the California gold mines or for the Central Pacific Railroad. Their vast numbers and different customs made the Chinese easy targets for persecution.

As long as political cartoons have existed, they have been responsible for using framing and satire to persuade people to believe a certain way. The way editorial cartoonists depict undocumented immigrants hasn't changed over the years. According to editorial cartoons, undocumented immigrants have always been responsible for stealing American jobs, increasing the crime rate, bring disease, and much more.